The Goal

Arthritis Relief Centers started in 2011 and now has 4 locations across Texas. From spinal stenosis to knee pain, ARC provides comprehensive pain management for patients who are unable to live their life in full motion due to pain. While their procedures and services were on point, their brand's foundation was not. It was time for a brand face-lift!

The Challenge:

The offices and current logo were beginning to look outdated and did not display their vibrant personality. They needed more than just a fresh look for their brand and their 4 offices, they needed a visual identity that would provide their clientele with feelings of hope and relief, as those at ARC are suffering from chronic pain.


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Making pain
a thing of the
past, one joint
at a time.


Let the design work begin! With fresh ideas and a brighter color scheme, we went to work and created a captivating yet relaxing environment for all of the office spaces and procedure rooms. Each color and design was chosen with not only ARC in mind, but who ARC serves. After all, one of their values is PEOPLE FIRST. The ARC team now feels more ready than ever to serve their clients with CARE and EXPERTISE.


Along with their new identity, we were contracted to create a more modern and up to date

design for their offices that would reflect their true mission, values, and persona.

We were indeed successful in capturing their essence, and successfully designed, produced and installed all of their new wallpaper and art. 


Although Arthritis Relief Center already had a website, it no longer matched with the revised, sleek new identity we created. It was also a bit outdated. We retrieved
all relevant information from their old site and designed a completely new look using
all of the information gathered in the Brand Strategy as well as new logo and precision
identity points. Came out amazing!

what we did

Brand Strategy: Brand Message, Mission, Vision, Values, Positioning.

Visual Identity, new logo design

TV and Radio Ads

Business cards, letterhead, and email signatures

Collateral / promotional materials

Modernized, UX friendly website

Branded Environment

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